June 9, 2023

Dear Beagle Middle School Parents, 

Here are some updates that we wanted to share with you:

Chromebook and Chromebook Charger Collection: Beginning Monday, June 12th, students will begin to turn in their school-issued Chromebooks and Chromebook chargers during CNC.  We have informed our students of this collection during lunch announcements, and teachers have reminded students next week about this.  Students must turn in both their assigned chargers and Chromebooks during this time.  Students that do not return their Chromebooks or chargers will be charged at a rate of $35 for a missing charger, $270 for a missing Chromebook.  These invoices will be sent to families later in June.  Your support in ensuring these school-issued learning devices are returned on June 12th and 13th is much appreciated. 

Big, Fun Day: The last day of the school year–Friday, June 16th–is a half-day for students, and for the past thirteen years our PBIS team has supported in providing a fun, engaging outdoor day for all of our students.  We will have inflatables and several other activities for our students thanks to Planet X Events, and our wonderful PTO will be providing students with water and snacks.  Students will begin their day in CNC, and then they will spend the rest of the day engaging in both outdoor and indoor activities.  Towards the end of the day, students will return to CNC before dismissal.  We are looking forward to this fun and relaxing opportunity for our students.  

Scheduling and Next Year:  As we shared last week, we are currently working on schedules for our rising 7th and 8th grade students.  While we complete schedules by the end of the school year, schedules are not shared with students or parents until later August due to the potential for staffing or logistical changes.  Please rest assured that your child’s schedule will be complete going into the summer, and schedules will be made available to parents and students within PowerSchool the week of August 21st.  We thank our parents and students for patience with this process. 

7th Grade Schedule Pick-Up and School Pictures: Wednesday, August 23rd from 4-7pm.  Students will have the opportunity to obtain their schedule, chromebook, and have school pictures taken.  Please note there will be another opportunity for school pictures during the school year if students/parents cannot make the schedule pick-up session. 

8th Grade Schedule Pick-Up and School Pictures: Thursday, August 24th from 4-7pm.  Students will have the opportunity to obtain their schedule, chromebook, and have school pictures taken.  Please note there will be another opportunity for school pictures during the school year if students/parents cannot make the schedule pick-up session. 

NWEA Results:  NWEA results will be posted within PowerSchool under SchooolNet by Monday, June 12th. 

Not Returning to GLPS:  If your student will not be returning to Grand Ledge Public Schools next year, please send an email to Joan Pedraza, head secretary, at pedrazaj@glcomets.net.  

23-24 Middle School Cross Country: We have been announcing this to our students this week.  If you student is interested in joining the Beagle Middle Cross Country Team next year, please click on the link for more detailed information. CC Flyer.pdf 

Medication Pick Up: The deadline for medication pickup is June 21st, 2023 by 2:00 pm. After this deadline, all medication will be disposed of. If your child will need medications at school for the 2023/24 school year, you can get that paperwork then as well. That will give you time to get all required physician signatures by the start of the school year. After school gets out on June 16th, we will be available from 10 o’clock to 2 o’clock for medical pick-up on June 19th, 20th, and 21st.  Please be aware that students ARE NOT allowed to transport medication home on the bus. 

Students’ of the Week, Community, and Extra Curricular Resources:  To view our students of the week or to review additional community/extra curricular information on our webpage, then please click https://www.glcomets.net/ourschools/beagle-middle-school/ and then click on the appropriate icon on the left side of our homepage.

Take care, 

Dave and Eric