
Message from the Superintendent

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February 7, 2025



GLPS Families,

To begin this week, I want to reiterate how much we appreciate the opportunity to work with you and your students every day. Grand Ledge Public Schools is an outstanding place to learn and grow, and that starts with the people who make it that way, from our staff to our students to our families to our broader community. As I am out and about in schools and at events, as I was again this week, I am always reminded how fortunate we are to have the support and resources that we have here at GLPS, and how thankful I am to be the superintendent here.

As the calendar rolls over from January to February and our school year is certainly in full swing, here at GLPS this is also the time of year when planning for next year starts to take shape. We spend the months of January, February, and March looking at budget and enrollment projections and working to understand how those projections will impact our educational programming in the fall. By the end of this month, our secondary school administrators will be working on course offerings so they can build master schedules, and we will be gearing up to begin the enrollment process for the 2025-2026 school year in early spring. This is also the time of year when we look at our capacity for schools of choice, and make targeted decisions about the grade levels and buildings where we have space to welcome new families into the district. Specific dates and timelines for many of these items will be shared in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!

In addition to the logistics of enrollment and scheduling, we are also already working on developing programming for next year. Our 2025-2026 calendar has been shared, and we are actively planning for all of the events it contains, including kindergarten launch and staff professional learning. We are looking at handbook updates for the fall, as well as mapping out projected staffing needs and planning for our next phase of bond work. In short, February kicks off a set of really busy months on the school calendar on the administrative side, because not only are we prioritizing all of the wonderful things happening in our classrooms every day, but we are also actively planning to ensure that our students have an even better experience in the next school year.

As the calendar hits February, we are also reminded that this month marks Black History Month.  While it is important to appreciate and celebrate the contributions and accomplishments of the African American community throughout the year, February is set aside as a month dedicated to learning about how the histories and stories of African Americans have shaped America and the American experience. During Black History Month, I encourage you to explore the resources and events that are available throughout our greater community. From libraries to museums, to colleges and universities, to entertainment and performances, there are a number of opportunities in our area to learn about, reflect on, and understand Black history.

That is all I have for you this week, and again, thank you for giving us the opportunity to work with you and your kids every day.  Have a wonderful weekend, and for those who are watching, enjoy the Super Bowl (next year, Lions!). As always, I am #proudtobeacomet! 

Dr. Bill Barnes
Superintendent of Schools

IMPORTANT NOTE: Media inquiries and requests should be directed to John Ellsworth, GLPS Director of Communications: email him at or call his office phone at 517-925-5414.

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Sup't Dr. Bill Barnes

Bill Barnes
Kim Manning
Executive Assistant

Dr. Steve Gabriel

Steven Gabriel
Deputy Superintendent
Karen Frisbie
Executive Assistant
Chris Chester
School Safety Supervisor
Juan Castillo
Student Inclusion, Mental Health & Wellness Supervisor


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Messages from the Superintendent

Planning for Next School Year Starts
February 6, 2025 School Closing
Understanding GLPS' Mission and Policies
Winter Weather and International Night
Tomorrow's School Closing
Service, Reflection & Appreciation
Making a Decision on a Snow Day
Goals, Data and Upcoming Assessments