Thanksgiving Break- No School, November 20-24. The staff wishes everyone a peaceful break with reasons to give thanks in simple daily blessings. We'll see everyone back at school on Monday, November 27th.
Student Council Giving-and-Thanks
A note of thanks to everyone who supported the Wacousta Student Council's MSU/UofM coin competition this fall. Although UofM won the football game, we almost doubled the coins collected for MSU! But the real winner in this competition was Ele's Place. The total of coins collected was $432 and is being sent to support Ele's Place. Ele's Place is a counseling center for grieving children and teens.
Upcoming Dates
2023/2024 School Year Nov. 20-24 Thanksgiving Break - No School Nov. 27 School Resumes
Dec. 1 Snack Shop Dec. 7-8 Holiday Shop Dec. 22-Jan.5 Winter Break - No School Jan. 8 School Resumes Jan. 12 Snack Shop Jan. 15 Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School Feb. 2 Snack Shop Feb. 14 Student Count Day Feb. 16 Half-Day w/dismissal at 12:10 Feb. 19 Presidents' Day - No School Mar. 1 Snack Shop Mar. 8 Snack Shop Mar. 12 Parent Teacher Conferences 5:00 - 8:00 Mar. 13 Parent Teacher Conferences 5:00 - 8:00 Mar. 15 Parent Teacher Conferences 1:00 - 4:00
Music Share Day is coming up! Students in grades 2-4 have the opportunity to perform during music class. This is not a requirement. Students who perform should come prepared to sing, play or dance a short song (1-2 minutes). They are encouraged to perform something they’ve practiced. Students may use the piano or ukulele in the music room or bring an instrument from home (if it fits in their backpack). If you have questions, email Ms. Fox at
The Wacousta Student body has adopted a family-in-need from the greater Grand Ledge community. They are in need of support for a holiday dinner and gifts for their children. Please be on the lookout for this signup genius to be updated in the next week or so, as they will continue to send us their gift wish lists.
*If your family is able to donate one of the items, please use the link below to select the item, purchase the item, and then send it with your student to the office before December 15th.
We are in need of volunteers to help students shop and wrap their gifts. The Wacousta Holiday shop will be happening on December 7th and 8th. Volunteers are needed to help students shop and wrap the gifts they buy for their family and friends. All volunteers need to have submitted a "Volunteer Application" with the district before their shift. Use this link:
If you have any questions, please reach out to Megan Weber:
These students were chosen for their outstanding observant behaviors in the classroom and around the school building.
Alina Villarreal, Parker Myers, Sydney McDaniels, Leland Wood, Rowan Gonser, Quinn Jacobs, Jacob Fabiano, Giana Garcia, Natalee Barnes, Eli Roth, Lincoln Ladd, Aaden Holly, Lylla Meckstroth, Nova Plunkett, William MacDonald, Emerson Dufresne
GLHS Holiday Music Celebration
It’s that time of year again! The GLHS bands and choirs will be presenting the 15th Annual Collage Concert on Wednesday, December 13, and Thursday, December 14, 2023. The concert will start at 7:30 pm in the GLHS Auditorium. This concert will feature the Symphony Band, Wind Symphony, Vocal Ensemble, Concert Choir, Bel Canto, and Madrigals, along with many featured soloists and small ensembles. Tickets are $5 each and will be available for purchase online at
Grand Ledge Shopping Tour
The Shopping Tour gifting barrel has arrived in the office!! The Grand Ledge Shopping Tour supports families that can use extra support over the holiday season of gifting. There are several ways that you can assist in this endeavor. 1. If you would like to make a monetary donation, please make your checks payable to the Grand Ledge Shopping Tour and drop it off, or send it, to Fifth Third Bank at 900 Charlevoix Dr., Grand Ledge. 2. If you would like to donate a new, unwrapped toy, there is a drop off barrel located in the school office.
Jessica Ladd, President
Liz Bliesener, Vice President
Melissa Graeser, Treasurer
Tracy Johnson, Secretary
Box Tops for Education
Please continue to collect Box Tops for Education! This program is completely online now. To get the app please go to
You can follow the Wacousta Elementary School PTIA on Facebook and email us at
Arrival and Dismissal
When calling in for any of the following reasons please identify your student by first and last name, grade, and teacher.
School Arrival: Students may not be dropped off prior to 8:40 a.m. since we do not have supervision available. If your student will be getting breakfast it is important that they arrive at the drop off time and go directly to the cafeteria. Arriving late, makes them late for class start time at 9:00.
School Dismissal: School ends at 3:55 p.m. All students should be picked up no later than 4:05 p.m. If you are picking up your child at the end of the day and want to meet them at parent pick up, please do not get in the parent pick up line. We ask that you park in a parking spot and walk to meet your child. ALSO, PLEASE DO NOT GO PAST THE CONES TO COLLECT YOUR CHILD. WE HAVE ADULT SUPERVISION TO ENSURE THE SAFETY AND SECURITY OF THE STUDENTS. If you remain in your vehicle, please continue to move up in line and we'll get your student(s) to you. ~Thank you very much for your cooperation!
Half-day dismissal: Is at 12:10 p.m.
Late Arrivals: If you know your child is going to be arriving late, please call or email the school office to let us know. It is also helpful to let us know if they need a school lunch and which option they'd prefer. We'll make sure to get that ordered for them.
Parent Pick-Up: If you are planning to pick-up your child after school, or change from parent pick-up to riding the bus, please call the school office no later than 2:30 p.m. We distribute the pick-up list to teachers and staff at this time and are unable to accommodate last minute changes.
Absences: If your student will be absent or becomes ill and cannot attend school, please call the office and let us know your students name, teacher, reason for absence and symptoms if ill. Thank you for your cooperation.
Illness Reminder: We ask that your child be 24 hours free of fever, vomiting or diarrhea before you send them back to school after they have been out sick. We appreciate your cooperation with this!
All medication needs to be brought to school by a parent/guardian. This includes all over the counter medication (cough drops, Tylenol, etc). Prescription and over the counter medications require a doctors order for the school to administer them, that includes creams or lotions. You will find medication documents at this link: medication and health information Click on School Health Information and Forms.
Birthday Celebrations
Due to the number of life-threatening allergies we have in our building, we respectfully request that you do not send in any type of food for birthday treats. Mr. Groves celebrates each child by announcing their name during the morning announcements and he personally presents them with a birthday pencil.
If you so choose, you are welcome to bring in a non-edible treat for your child's classmates but they may not include any type of gum or candy. Some parents choose to send in something small like a pencil or stickers, but that is up to each family. It is definitely your choice and we understand that not all families are able to do something like this.
We also request that you do not send birthday invitations to school. If you would like an address list, we will have School Directories available in the near future for $1.00.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Lost and Found
Is your student missing their jacket, hat, gloves, water bottle, lunch box? Our lost and found table and coat rack are beginning to fill up again. Please stop in before the Thanksgiving break to reclaim items your student may have misplaced.
Extra Clothing/Clothing Closet
Future forecast? COLD and SNOW. Please make sure your student wears a jacket, has a hat, gloves, boots, snow pants, so they are prepared for the changing weather. Please also check your students backpack for appropriate extra clothing. Shorts and short sleeved shirt days have expired.
Clothing Closet: Our clothing closet has gotten very low on supplies and could use a freshening up. When our students find themselves in a mishap (falls in the mud) it's good to have some back up clothing on hand for those in need of a change. If you would like to contribute to the restocking of the closet the following used items would be appreciated: elastic waisted pants, long sleeve shirts/sweatshirts, socks, underwear, snow pants, jackets, hats, gloves, boots, that are in good, clean, condition with no holes, tears, stains. Please send the cleaned items in to the office. No jeans please.
If we send your student home with borrowed clothing, pants, shirt, jackets, from the closet, please clean and return them. Someone else will likely be needing their use. If you are in need of assistance with clothing and outwear please contact the office.
Thanks for your support and cooperation in keeping our kiddos warm and dry with the changing weather.
District and Community News
Nov. is Nat'l Native American Heritage Month
Nov. is Nat'l Youth Homeless Awareness Month
Nov. 19-25 » National Family Week
Nov. 20 » Anniversary of the Mexican Revolution
Nov. 23 » Thanksgiving Day
Nov. 27 » Guru Nanak Dev Sahib’s Birthday Festival
Nov. 28 » Giving Tuesday
Dec. 1 » World AIDS Day
Dec. 7 » Pearl Harbor Day
Dec. 7-15 » Hanukkah (Festival of Lights)
Dec. 8 » Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Dec. 10 » Human Rights Day
Dec. 15 » Bill of Rights Day
Dec. 15 » Bill of Rights Day
Dec. 21 » Winter Solstice, Yule
Dec. 25 » Christmas
Dec. 26 - Jan. 1 » Kwanzaa
Dec. 31 » New Year’s Eve
Is something missing? Please share with John Ellsworth, GLPS Director of Communications, any additional Recognitions & Acknowledgments you think we should include on this list or upcoming lists – email him at
The Grand Ledge Shopping Tour helps needy elementary children (grades K-4) who live within the Grand Ledge Public Schools district. Children in the program will have volunteers take them shopping for school clothing. The children are also treated to a holiday party where they have dinner and a visit from Santa, with gifts and school supplies for each child.
If this would be helpful for your family, please visit by Nov. 27 and give permission to participate ... the GL Shopping Tour wants to help!
If you know a family with children you think would benefit from the GL Shopping Tour, please encourage them to visit and give permission to participate.