October, 9th 2023
Dear Hayes Intermediate School Families,
Here is some news to get us into the weekend…
Day of Awesomeness Complete
Today was a day of celebration as Hayes students enjoyed bouncy amusements, a live DJ, and organized games during the Day of Awesomeness. This event concludes our wildly successful PTO fundraiser. We want to give a special thank you to Kristy Welch (PTO President), the PTO Board, and all of the parents who were able to come help chaperone this event. Please join us at the next PTO meeting on October 17th at 6:30 PM in the Beagle Middle School cafeteria. A Zoom option will be linked in next week’s newsletter.
Safety Drill Review
This past Monday, we completed our first required lockdown drill. The Grand Ledge Police department participated in the drill and students and staff all had the opportunity to practice.
Online Attendance Reporting
There are several ways to report an absence at Hayes. The fastest way is using the online portal at ps.glcomets.net. Once you have logged in, select “Attendance Monitor” from the left navigation menu. Then, click “Report New Attendance.” After you have entered the date, reason, and explanation, click Submit. For more detailed instructions, please click here. Also, you may continue to email HAAttendance@glcomets.net or call the attendance line at 517-925-5333. Please note: online attendance reporting is not available in the app; it is only available on the website.
Hayes Happenings
Hayes Happenings is our weekly news show that is directed, produced, and edited under the guidance of teachers Jacque Cosgrove (on maternity leave) and Allison Shumate. Here is a link to the episodes from this school year so far:
Looking Ahead
October 17 - Hayes/Beagle PTO Meeting
October 17 - Picture Retakes
View flyers and more from the school district and the community plus learn about upcoming things here: GLcomets.net/upcoming
Take care,
Eric and Scott
Eric Leopold
Hayes Intermediate School
Scott Millbrook
Assistant Principal
Hayes Intermediate School