GLPS letterhead

GLPS Families,

As we wrap up our first week back from break, it is hard to believe that it is December already, but here we are! I have a couple of important updates for you today as we head into the weekend:

  1. The Michigan Department of Education released its annual school ratings this week. School ratings have not been calculated over the last couple of years because of pandemic waivers, but we are now back to annual reports. Overall, we are pretty pleased with where our schools landed this year. We have work to do in all of our buildings and we can always improve, but we have a solid foundation here across GLPS. To find your school, click HERE and type the building name in the search bar.
  2. One of the belief statements in our strategic plan is that we believe in partnerships between the family, community, and education stakeholders for the success of GLPS. To those ends, we are excited to launch a way for community members to stay connected with GLPS.  Community members, who do not have students attending Grand Ledge Public Schools, can now sign up to receive district level (not individual school level) communications. We encourage you to share this information with your daycare centers, business owners, grandparents, and anyone else who has an interest in receiving GLPS communications. You can provide this link HERE or have them go to a web browser and simply type in and follow the prompts to sign up.
  3. On Tuesday this week, we held our first Parent School Improvement Team (PSIT) meeting here at Sawdon.  We had around 50 parents and guardians attend. We spent time reviewing our district school improvement process, and we looked at survey data to help provide input on how we can better celebrate success as a district. If you are interested in reviewing the slides from the session, they can be viewed by clicking HERE.

Thank you, as always, for your involvement and engagement with us here at GLPS. We know that it takes a partnership between families, the school district, and the community to live up to our vision of providing every student a high-quality education, critical thinking skills, and social development to reach their highest potential in a safe and inclusive environment, and we appreciate your support.  

Enjoy your weekend.  #proudtobeacomet!

Dr. Bill Barnes

Dr. Bill Barnes
Superintendent of Schools


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