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August 28, 2024


GLHS Families,

It was wonderful to welcome our high school students back today, even if it was for just a half day! 

As I am sure they shared with you, the temperatures in the high school were warm when they got there, and continued to rise throughout the morning, primarily because of the humidity. As the day went on, the temperatures continued to rise, and we expect the same tomorrow. Our team walked the entire building today, starting at 2:45, to monitor the temperature and humidity readings, and we do not believe that similar temperatures tomorrow would be conducive to a manageable learning environment. To make matters worse, the delivery of the room air conditioner units was delayed in transit, so we have been unable to install them this afternoon. We hope to install them if they arrive this evening, but we do not want to count on them for tomorrow.

Based on all of these issues, we will run a half day at the high school again on Thursday, August 29, but dismissal will be a little earlier at 10:30 a.m. Distancing learning will continue to run as normal.

As I mentioned earlier this week, this has been a frustrating scenario, but the continued heat and humidity is not allowing the chiller to catch back up. We are actively working on addressing system components that failed this week to prevent this from being an ongoing issue, and we expect that night-time temperatures over the weekend and early next week will effectively address the problems we are currently facing.

I am truly sorry for the inconvenience this has caused our families this week and the disruption to our learning environment. I appreciate the work that our maintenance team has put in to keep the system limping along as we navigate the weather, including hourly monitoring overnight. Thank you; as always, I am #proudtobeacomet.

Dr. Bill Barnes
Superintendent of Schools

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