May 8 PTO Meeting 6:30 in our Library - free childcare
May 20 Half Day / Dismissal at 12:10 pm
May 27 No Students - Memorial Day
May 31 Delta Center Carnival
June 7 Field Day
June 14 Half Day / Last Day of School / Dismissal at 12:10
2024 - 2025 School Year
August 22 Open House 1st - 4th Grade 5:30 - 7:00 pm at Delta Center
August 26 Open House Kindergarten 5:00 - 6:30 pm at Delta Center
August 27 First Day of School - Full Day
August 30 - Sept. 2 No Students - Labor Day Weekend
School Hours
9:00 am - 3:55 pm
Please do not
drop off before
8:40 am
Pick up no later
than 4:05 pm
Thank you!
From Our Principal
I hope you all have been enjoying the warmer weather and sunshine. In true Michigan form, we’ve experienced a few seasons this week alone; however, the weather sure cooperated for the total solar eclipse and students were able to experience this rare occasion. Lessons on the total eclipse aligned with our curriculum and included various projects from kindergarten through fourth grade to better understand this incredible event.
BK/K Parent Information Meetings - 5/16 at 6:00 p.m. and 5/22 at 6:00 p.m.
If you have a new student to enroll in BK or Kindergarten for the 2024 - 2025 school year, please contact Mrs. Reiber at 517-925-5681. Once your child is registered you will be invited to attend ONE parent meeting. During the parent meeting, we will discuss our BK and K programs, kindergarten curriculum, expectations, preferred school supplies, and other important information to help you and your child prepare for their kindergarten year. Our spring parent meetings for all BK/K students for the 2024-2025 school year are Thursday, May 16 at 6:00 p.m. and Wednesday, May 22 at 6:00 p.m.Your child must be registered before attending a parent meeting; we ask that you attend only ONE parent meeting.
As always, if you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Teresa Dyer
March Star Students
Congratulations to our Kindergarten and First Grade Star Students
Brailynn Anemone, Payton Benbow, Connor Colbert, Marcus Henderson, Jackson Lee, Lucas Liang, Bennett Miller, Leighton Miller, and Mahika Sharma
Congratulations to our Second, Third and Fourth Grade Star Students
Chloe Barlow, Tessa Benschoter, Julia Epifanio, Madelyn Johnson, Charlie King, Thatcher Linsley, Connor Ohm, Austin Reynolds, Leo Schroeder, Theoden Shriver, Carson Tarrant, and Declan Trainor
Delta Center PTO Needs You!
Our PTO provides support for teachers, academic materials for students, and fun activities for students and families. We are in need of volunteers to continue to run! We will have several board positions available at the end of this year and also have many opportunities to be involved, at any commitment level, throughout the year. Without parent participation and support, our PTO will not be able to continue to run. Currently we are looking for one parent per grade level to help with the Silent Auction at our Carnival on May 31. Please consider attending a meeting, volunteering, or reaching out for more information about how you can be involved. To reach us, you can join the Delta Center PTO facebook page or email us at
Thank you!
PTO Meetings:
We have one left for this school year and would love for you to join us!
May 8th - 6:30 pm
We meet in our Library and offer free childcare. :)
Happy Friday!
It’s been a great couple of months learning about emotion management in the classroom. Your kids are doing a fantastic job identifying their feelings and using calming strategies to calm themselves. The three calming strategies that we have focused on are taking deep belly breaths (rainbow breathing), muscle relaxation techniques (squeeze the lemons/ drop the lemons) and using positive self-talk.
Starting in April, we will be discussing problem solving strategies and techniques that your kids can use in the classroom and at home. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or need any assistance.
Have a great weekend!
Mindi Stevens School Counselor
Makerspace needs your help!
We are looking for parent volunteers to help run makerspace on Monday’s during lunch recess!
If you ordered a picture package, you will receive a yearbook at the end of the year. If not, please see the information from Geskus on how to order a yearbook.
If you need to check on your order, please call Geskus at 1-616-453-4170
Thank you!
Birthday Treats
Our classes do not have students bring in birthday treats. We have a number of food related allergies across the building so that is a practice we have not done for quite a number of years now. If your child wants to bring something for the class, it can be non-edible items like bookmarks, pencils, etc.
Thank you for helping to keep our students safe!
Gym News
Please consider donating to Delta Center to help with our many equipment needs. Please use the following link:
Thank you so much for thinking of us, we truly appreciate it!
Mrs. Watters
Delta Center PE Teacher
Greetings and Salutations!
GUESS WHAT?! Once upon a time, a long time ago, I mentioned that Delta Center would be part of two art shows this year? Remember?! Remember?! Well, the second one is finally happening!!!
The Grand Ledge District Area Library is hosting it's 2024 GLPS Art Reception and Show from April 18th through May 5th. This is Delta Centers 5th time participating (including a virtual show) and we're so excited to be able to do it again! This year we have over 20 carefully selected amazing artworks (including some amazing 3D creations) to represent our students' amazing talents, creativity, and skill from ALL grade levels!
Be sure to check out this great opportunity on the first floor of the library over the next few weeks. We hope that you are inspired by not only our students' art but also that of all of our elementary and middle school buildings as well as the high school!
Be sure to check out this great opportunity on the first floor of the library over the next few weeks. We hope that you are inspired by not only our students' art but also that of all of our elementary and middle school buildings as well as the high school!
~ Mrs. BellDean
District & Community News
Apr. is World Autism Month
Apr. is School Library Month
Apr. is National Poetry Month
Apr. 6-12 » Week of the Young Child
Apr. 7 » World Health Day
Apr. 7-13 » National Library Week
Apr. 8 » Celebration of Buddha’s Birthday
Apr. 9 » National Library Workers Day
Apr. 10 » Eid-al-Fitr
Apr. 13 » Baisakhi
Apr. 15 » Tax Day
Apr. 16 » Emancipation Day
Apr. 21 » Mahavir Jayanti
Apr. 21-27 » National Volunteer Week
Apr. 21-27 » Administrative Professionals Week
Apr. 22 » Earth Day
Apr. 22-26 » Public School Volunteer Week
Apr. 22-23 » Passover, First Days
Apr. 24 » Administrative Professionals Day
Apr. 24-30 » National Student Leadership Week
Apr. 25 » Take Our Daughters & Sons to Work Day
Apr. 26 » National Arbor Day
Apr. 29 » International Dance Day
Apr. 29-30 » Passover, Concluding Days
May is National Physical Fitness & Sports Month
May is Better Hearing & Speech Month
May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
May is Jewish American Heritage Month
May is Preservation Month
May is Military Appreciation Month
May 1 » Law Day
May 1 » Loyalty Day
May 1 » Beltane
May 1-7 » National Physical Education & Sport Week
May 3 » School Lunch Hero Day
May 3 » World Press Freedom Day
May 5 » Cinco de Mayo
May 5 » Orthodox Easter
May 5-6 » Holocaust Remembrance Day
Is something missing? Please share with John Ellsworth, GLPS Director of Communications, any additional Recognitions & Acknowledgments you think we should include on this list or upcoming lists – email him at