GLPS letterhead

GLPS Families,

This week, I have a couple of items to share with you. We appreciate your support as we work with your students!

  1. I would like to take a moment to thank our PTO’s for all of their efforts here at the start of the school year. As events like fun runs and Kona Ice visits are happening, it is a reminder that our PTO’s and all of our parents who support them make so many things in our district possible. We appreciate you and your contribution to GLPS!

  2. Over the last couple of months and weeks, we have received a multitude of questions about aspects of the district, ranging from board policies to bus routes to curricular resources. In order to provide up to date, factual information for our families and communities, we are pleased to launch a frequently asked questions (FAQ) page on our website under the superintendent page. We will update this information as needed, and add questions as they arise. Transparency and communication are very important to us here at GLPS, and this new page is an effort to increase both.

Thank you for all you do to make GLPS a wonderful place to learn and grow. We continually strive to make our district a welcoming, affirming place where students can achieve their goals, and we are thankful for your partnership with us. As always, #proudtobeacomet!


Dr. Bill Barnes

Dr. Bill Barnes
Superintendent of Schools


Have a Wonderful Summer
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