Dear Hayes Intermediate Families,


Here is some news to close out the weekend...


Potter Park Zoo Field Trip

We are excited to announce that 5th Graders will be going to Potter Park Zoo on May 28th and 6th Graders on June 5th! Due to the generous support of the PTO (and the fundraising efforts of Hayes Intermediate Families), all students will be able to attend at no cost to them. Details will be on the permission slip that will be sent home with students on Monday, April 29th. Please have your student return the permission slip to their homeroom teacher as soon as possible so we can get an accurate count for tickets and lunches.

Volunteers and Chaperones

We currently have two big needs for volunteers approaching. As stated above, we are planning to take 5th Graders to Potter Park Zoo on May 28th and 6th Graders on June 5th. We are also planning field days for June that will be another opportunity for you to see your student in action at school. Click Here to fill out our volunteer registration form if you would like to join us on the trip (or Field Day) as a chaperone! Volunteer registration can take several days to process so please fill it out soon.


The Grand Ledge Band-O-Rama is Sunday, April 28th at 3:00 PM at Grand Ledge High School. This will be a great opportunity to see all bands, 6th Grade through 12th Grade. Tickets can be purchased at the door for $5.

PM Back Carline Update

Two weeks ago we opened the PM back carline to all 6th Grade families. It has been a great success, with most families in and out in a few minutes. The back carline is accessed from the Grand Ledge Public Schools Operations Drive (Penny Lane) for parents to pick up students in the afternoon. The back carline is accessible to 6th graders from either the Band Room or from Door #11. If you want your student to use the back carline, please let them know. Otherwise, 6th graders can still continue to use the front carline if you prefer.

Rising 6th Grade - Beginning Band Registration

Did your student get fitted for a band instrument recently? If so, keep an eye out for an email from Mrs. Hemker with information on how to sign your student up for 6th grade band next year! Did your student want to try an instrument but missed the opportunity? Send Mrs. Hemker an email at to let her know.

PTO Board Needs Members

The Hayes-Beagle Parent Teacher Organization has worked hard to provide opportunities for students and staff over the past 3 years that would not have been available without a PTO. Several PTO Board members will be leaving the PTO as their students age into High School. The commitment is as little as an hour a month for the meeting and you can help with fun jobs such as buying treats for students and staff. You can also help plan the dances and other activities that your student will participate in! Without a board, the PTO is legitimately in danger of ceasing to exist. Please come to the next meeting on May 14th at the Beagle Middle School Media Center at 6:30 PM to find out more. You can also join via Zoom -

MSTEP and NWEA Testing

Year-end MSTEP and NWEA Testing is continuing at Hayes Intermediate through May 24. Classroom teachers will communicate with you about specific dates. Students who miss a designated testing day will be able to participate in makeup testing.

Puberty: The Wonder Years

5th and 6th grade students will be spending approximately two weeks in their science classes receiving instruction from the curriculum Puberty: The Wonder Years.

Dates to be aware of:

4/29 Permission slips go home

5/1 Curriculum resource available for review

5/10 Permission slips returned

5/21 PWY Kickoff

6/7 PWY Finale

Hayes Happenings

Hayes Happenings is our weekly news show that is student directed, produced, and edited under the guidance of teachers Jacque Cosgrove and Allison Shumate. Here is the April 26th Episode!

Looking Ahead

April 28 - Band-O-Rama

Ongoing - May 24 MSTEP and NWEA Testing

May 13 - Science Fair

May 20 - Half Day for Students

May 27 - Memorial Day - No School for Students

May 28 - 5th Grade Potter Park Zoo Trip

Week of June 3rd - 4th Grade visits at Hayes

June 5 - 6th Grade Potter Park Zoo Trip

June 6 - Mead, Lee, Knauff, and Ward visit Beagle

June 7- Band Cedar Point Trip

June 10 - Carlson, Bierstetel, Burns, and Householder visit Beagle

June 11 - Weaver, Pung, Walter, Brunk, and Palacios visit Beagle

June 11 - 5th Grade Field Day

June 12 - 6th Grade Field Day

June 14 - Last Day for Students/Half Day

Take care,
Eric and Scott

Eric Leopold, Principal
Scott Millbrook, Assistant Principal
Hayes Intermediate School

P.S. View flyers and more from the school district and the community plus learn about upcoming things here:



February 7th, 2025 Newsletter
January 31, 2025 Newsletter
January 24, 2025 Newsletter