Dear Beagle Middle School Families, 

Here are some updates that we wanted to share at this time:

Parent/Teacher Conferences:  Parent/teacher conferences at middle level will be held on the following dates, in the following fashion: November 7th (virtual, 4-6pm); November 12th (in-person, BMS gyms, 4-7pm); and November 14th (in-person, BMS gyms, 4-7pm).  Please look for sign-up information to come via email from Mrs. Lindsay Pelette, secretary, the week of October 28th.  

Teacher/Parent Communications: Just a friendly reminder that our teaching staff update their parent/teacher communications within PowerSchool at least every two weeks.  These communications can be accessed via ParentPortal, clicking on specific class tile, and then clicking on Family Communication at the top of the page.  These communications help to keep families informed of essential learnings, large projects, and upcoming assessments.  If you need assistance with ParentPortal in any way, please contact Ms. Sadie Green, secretary,

PTO Meeting: Our next Hayes/Beagle PTO meeting of the year will be on Tuesday, October 22nd at 6:30 pm here in the Beagle Media center.  Families may also attend this meeting virtually as there is currently a hybrid offering.  Please use the following link for more information:

Upcoming Events, District News, & Community Information: To review what the school district shares in newsletters about events, news, and information, please visit

Students’ of the Week:  Please click on the following link to view this week’s Students’ of the Week:
Please note that the list may not be updated until the following Monday as students are celebrated on Friday mornings. 

Upcoming Important Dates:

10/22/24--PTO Meeting, BMS Media Center, 6:30-7:30 pm

11/1/24–No Students, District-Wide Professional Development

11/7/24, 11/12/24, and 11/14/24– Parent/Teacher Conferences, information to come the week of October 28th from Mrs. Pelette. 

These are all of the updates that we have at this time.  Again, we thank you for your continued support.  Please reach out with any questions or concerns. 

Take care,

Dave and Kelly

Beagle February 7, 2025
Beagle January 31, 2025
Beagle January 24, 2025