Dear Beagle Middle School Families, 

Here are some updates that we wanted to share at this time:

Lunch Time Concert: Today, students will enjoy a lunch-time concert hosted by Lise Mitchell, Grand Ledge Area District Library, along with Shawne VanSteeland, Audiologic.  Students always enjoy these events, and we intend to provide these concerts to our students throughout the school year.  We thank both Lise and Shawne for consistently providing these outstanding opportunities for our students. 

Parent/Teacher Conferences: Parent/Teacher conferences will be virtually again this year accessing Zoom.  Next week on Friday, October 20th, Mrs. Hernandez will send all parents an email with specific directions to sign up for Parent/Teacher conferences.  Conferences will be held on November 6th and 8th from 4-7pm and November 10th from 12-3pm.  We will also repeat this information in future newsletters as well.  

End of Trimester 1: It is hard to believe that we are roughly one month from the end of the first trimester this school year.  The first trimester officially ends on November 17th.  We encourage our parents to continue to monitor both Parent Portal and school issued planners to have frequent conversations regarding their student’s learning.  As we get closer to the end of the trimester, missing or outstanding assignments will not be accepted.  

Fall NWEA Scores: Fall NWEA scores are available in Parent Portal under SchoolNetPlease note that scores are not available using the cell phone app.  

Raise Them Up: Here are some resources provided by the Eaton Parenting Club and Project Resource Connect.  RAISE Them Up Parenting Club Flyer (3).pdf PROJECT RESOURCE CONNECT FLYER (1).pdf - Here is also a link to our parent resource page which has additional information.  Parent Resources

Fall Festival Dance: PTO Sponsored Fall Festival Dance: Our fall dance will be held on Friday, October 27th from 2:45-4:30 pm.  We have decided to host this dance right after school as we are aware that many families have other obligations with Halloween parties and potential athletic conflicts later in the evening.  We are hopeful that this will allow our middle school students to stay at Beagle and enjoy the dance.  We do need parent volunteers to support with this event if possible.  If you are interested in supporting with the dance, please sign up here:
Because we do not allow Halloween costumes during the day at Beagle, we wanted to make a note here that costumes are not permitted at the dance.  Beginning Monday, October 16th, students who receive formal discipline (half-day or more of ISS or OSS) will not be allowed to attend the dance.  Also, we’ve had many students asking about attire for the dance, and we are encouraging students to come as they are as this is not a formal dance.  While it is a fall theme, students should feel free to dress as they would do on a typical day.  We will have more information regarding the upcoming dance in subsequent newsletters. 

PTO Meetings: The Hayes/Beagle PTO meetings will be hosted here at Beagle Middle School in our media center.  Parents should enter through the cafeteria doors as they are open for athletic events.  The media center is located in the first hallway to the left once in the cafeteria.  Meetings are held from 6:30-7:30 pm.  The next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 17th.  We greatly appreciate parent support and participation at these meetings.  In addition, please follow the Hayes & Beagle PTO Facebook page for more information and updates regarding upcoming events. 

Students’ of the Week:  To view our Students’ of the Week, please click here  Please note that Students’ of the Week are updated on our website the Monday after receiving their certificate on Friday. 

Family Communication Archive: Please click here to review family communications (current and previous newsletters) sent to Beagle Families. 

District and Community News: To review district-wide and community news, please click here

Looking Ahead:

Monday, October 16th–Half-day for students, 7:52-10:52

  • Friday, October 27th–Fall Dance 2:45 - 4:30
  • Parent/Teacher Conference (via Zoom)--November 6th and 8th (4-7 p.m.) and November 10th (12-3).  More information to come in subsequent newsletters.
  • Friday, November 10th–Half-day for students, 7:52-10:52 am.

These are all of the updates that we wanted to pass along at this time.  Please reach out with any questions or concerns. 

Take care,

Dave and Kelly

Beagle May 17, 2024
Beagle January 12, 2024