Dear Beagle Middle School Families, 

Here are some updates that we wanted to share with you at this time: 

STEAM Showcase–Thank You!:  A huge shout out to all of our parents and community members that came out last night for our annual STEAM Showcase!  In addition, we would like to thank Mrs. Erin Fredericks, Art teacher, along with Mr. Jones and Mrs. Goodwin, Science/STEM teachers, and several other staff members for their time and energy in providing an excellent opportunity for our students and the community.  Finally, we thank our PTO along with A&W for supporting this event as well. 

PTO Updates: We are grateful to have an outstanding joint Hayes/Beagle PTO, which has been successfully running strong for the past three years. We wanted to thank Kristy Welch for being the Hayes/Beagle PTO president for the past three years; she has done an outstanding job leading our PTO.  Dave Logel, former secretary, has been voted in as the new president.  The true heart and soul of our PTO is the parents that spend countless hours helping to organize dances, activities for students, and fundraisers that support both students and teachers.  Moving into next year, we need more parent support at PTO meetings for this reason, and we wanted to point out that any parent with a student enrolled at Hayes or Beagle can attend our PTO meetings to provide ideas, feedback, and even support for upcoming events.  Unlike a PTA, there are no commitments or dues required to be part of our PTO; therefore, continued and increased parent support would be greatly appreciated moving into next year.  As in the past, we will continue to communicate all PTO meetings we in advance in our newsletters; meetings will continue to be the second Tuesday of each month from 6:30-7:30 pm here at Beagle with a virtual option available as well.  In closing, we would like to celebrate all of the outstanding things the PTO has done for our students and staff: 3 school dances with 25% of ticket sales going back to supporting the PBIS store for students, snacks for standardized testing, supporting student field trips and other activities, and providing our staff with meals during conferences.  

 Career Day, Monday, May 20th: During our half day on Monday, May 20th, our teacher-led Career Committee will be hosting a career day for our students thanks to several volunteers from the community.  We thank community members, in advance, for coming in to speak with our students about their careers.  Teachers will meet career day presenters on the first floor near the main entrance on Monday and walk them to their room; breakfast will be provided to our presenters thanks to our PTO.  We are looking forward to this wonderful opportunity for our students. 

Math NWEA Tuesday, May 21st: Please have students fully charge their Chromebooks Monday evening.  

May 29th–Lots Going On:  Two big things are happening on May 29th: 8th graders leave for the Washington DC trip (all DC students must be here between 5-5:20 am, buses depart 5:30 am sharp); 7th graders along with 8th graders not going on the DC trip will be going to the Lugnuts field trip.  If your student did not turn in their permission slip and money for the Lugnuts trip, they will need to stay home for the day as all school staff will be attending either trip.  In addition, those attending the Lugnuts trip will not be allowed to take their phones or backpacks with them to the stadium. We appreciate parent support with these logistics and expectations. 

Families Not Returning GLPS Next Year: If your student will not be returning to GLPS next year, please be sure to reach out to your building’s secretary.  At Beagle, please reach out to Meagan McMillan  If you have already made contact with appropriate secretaries across the district, you are all set. 

Incoming Freshman Volleyball Players: Please follow the Grand Ledge HS Volleyball Facebook page to receive updates, reminders and summer  schedule information. There is also a parent and player meeting currently planned for the end of the first summer Open Gym on Tuesday, June 4th at 7:30pm in the High School Main Gym. Coach Matt will review info for the summer, including camp and tryout information for the upcoming season.

Students’ of the Week:  To view our Students’ of the Week, please click here  Please note that Students’ of the Week are updated to our website the Monday after receiving their certificate on Friday. 

Family Communication Archive: Please click here to review family communications (current and previous newsletters) sent to Beagle Families. 

District and Community News: To review district-wide and community news, please click here

Looking Ahead:
May 20th–Half-Day
May 27th–No School, Memorial Day
May 29-June 3rd–Washington DC Trip for participating 8th graders; buses depart 5:30 am sharp on the 29th. 
May 29th–Lugnuts Trip–entire school, all 7th grade and 8th graders not attending DC Trip, no phones or backpacks to stadium
June 14th–Last day of school, half day

Spring Testing Schedule:
NWEA Math–May 21–Taken in CNC AM; altered schedule PM, all classes.  
NWEA ELA–May 28–Taken in CNC AM; altered schedule PM, all classes. 

These are all of the updates that we wanted to pass along at this time.  Please reach out with any questions or concerns. 

Take care,

Dave and Kelly

Beagle September 6, 2024
Beagle August 29, 2024
Beagle August 23, 2024