September 31, 2023

Hayes: Newsletter


It has been an incredible first two days of school; we are so excited to have student back at Hayes Intermediate!


Here are some tips to safely and quickly get through the parking lot:

  • Pull all the way forward to the last sign unless a vehicle is stopped in front of you. If the first person pulls all the way forward, traffic keeps flowing on Nixon.
  • Students should stay in cars until 7:20. This is when breakfast starts and when school supervision begins.
  • If possible, turn right out of the parking lot. If you can get to your destination by driving on Willow Hwy, it will keep the traffic moving.

Most students will receive locker information next week. Their teachers will work with them on combinations and will make sure that students feel comfortable with their lockers before requiring their use.


The Hayes/Beagle PTO first meeting will be September 12th at 6:30 in the Beagle Library. Look for a Zoom link in next week’s newsletter if you wish to join remotely.

Looking Ahead
September 12 - 6:30 - Hayes/Beagle PTO in the Beagle Library
September 14th - Picture Day/Fundraiser Kickoff

Eric and Scott
Eric Leopold
Hayes Intermediate School
Scott Millbrook
Assistant Principal
Hayes Intermediate School


February 7th, 2025 Newsletter
January 31, 2025 Newsletter
January 24, 2025 Newsletter