Hello Hayes Families, 

We hope everyone enjoyed their first week back and are ready for another successful school year! It was so nice for us to see parents and students back in the building full of energy and excitement as they look ahead to a school year full of learning and new opportunities.

No School Friday or Monday

In observance of the Labor Day weekend, there is no school on Friday, August 30th or Monday, September 2nd. School resumes on Tuesday, September 3rd.

PM Carline Pickup

During the Summer of 2025, construction on the Hayes campus will result in a safer, more efficient carline experience. For this year, in an effort to increase student safety, we expanded the successful PM back carline program for families with 6th grade students. In previous years, with one carline in the PM, traffic would often back up on Nixon Road, sometimes down to Saginaw Hwy. This created an unsafe situation with cars attempting to pass or make left turns and it caused many near-misses. The current back carline takes traffic off of Nixon Road and puts it onto Grand Ledge Schools property. This keeps everyone much safer, especially considering we are moving over 800 students at the end of the school day. The PM carline is typically complete within 10-15 minutes. Some families are concerned about waiting for so long in line. We recommend simply arriving later. If you arrive around 2:30-2:35, you will typically wait, at most, 5 minutes before being able to leave with your student. Additionally, please remember to yield to any bus traffic that may be crossing the carline. In the morning, all student drop off should continue to  happen in the front of the school with all students entering at the main office.

Medication Drop Off

You may bring in your student’s medication and medical paperwork(signed by their physician) to our Medical Paraprofessional  Lisa Bentley during normal school hours (7:15am - 2:25pm) 

  • Over the counter medication has to be prescribed by a physician to be kept and administered at school. 
  • All medication must be in its original packaging.
  • If a student requires over the counter medication please bring in an unopened bottle or package of said medication. Also we do not have the room to store large bottles of medication so please purchase the smaller quantity packages.

School Hours

To alleviate morning carline congestion, students may be dropped off as early as 7:15 a.m. We will supervise them in the gym or the cafeteria until they are released to class at 7:30 a.m. If you can wait until 7:30 to drop them off, this is preferred. The wait in the gym or cafeteria can get boring. The school day starts with students at their desks by 7:40 a.m. The school day ends at 2:25 p.m.

Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

We have an outstanding joint PTO with the Beagle Middle building! Our PTO has provided several incredible opportunities for our students, staff, and facilities over the past few years.  This work is accomplished through the support of our community and family members.  We always encourage our family members to attend our PTO meetings whether it's one time, intermittently, or consistently--all participation is helpful and impactful to our school culture and benefits our children.  Here are some important updates from our PTO:

Big Brothers/Big Sisters Site Based Mentoring

We are proud to announce that we are partnering with Big Brothers/Big Sisters to help mentor students at Hayes Intermediate this school year. Per parent request, students will be matched with an adult mentor from our local community. Students will meet with their “Big” during the school day one time per week during the school year. Students in the Site Based Mentoring Program are only permitted to see their Big at the school. If you would like to get your student started with Big Brothers/Big Sisters, please click here: https://bbbs.tfaforms.net/f/bbbsmcryouthapp


Hayes Intermediate School is scheduled to begin construction during the 2024-25 school year, with completion scheduled for August 2025. The construction will focus primarily on security and safety upgrades as well as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning updates.  Additionally, there are plans to construct a safer driveway. While most of the construction will take place during the summer of 2025, some projects will start during the school year. Specific timetables and any impacts to the overall flow of the building will be announced before they are to happen.

Upcoming Events, District News, & Community Information

View flyers and more of what the school district shares in newsletters about events, news, and information by visiting GLcomets.net/Upcoming.

Looking Ahead:

August 30 - No School (Friday before Labor Day)

September 2 - No School (Labor Day)

September 12 - Picture Day (During the school day)

September 12 - PTO Fundraiser Kickoff

Take care,

Eric and Scott

Eric Leopold, Principal

Scott Millbrook, Assistant Principal

Hayes Intermediate School

February 7th, 2025 Newsletter
January 31, 2025 Newsletter
January 24, 2025 Newsletter