2020 Meeting Schedule

All meetings of the Grand Ledge Public Schools Board of Education are open to the public.  Meetings begin at 6:00 p.m. in the Sawdon Administration Building, 220 Lamson Street, unless otherwise noted.  

Work Sessions are conducted in the Administrative Conference Room and Regular Meetings are conducted in the Board Room.

Minutes are posted following board approval.


2020 Meeting Schedule
Notices/ Agendas / Minutes / Videos

*NOTE*  For details, please visit the Eaton RESA Board of Education website.








Due to equipment issues, this meeting failed to record.  We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.






This Meeting has been CANCELLED

As a result of Governor Whitmer's order to close Michigan K-12 school buildings, this meeting has been CANCELLED.







This Meeting has been CANCELLED

As a result of Governor Whitmer's order to close Michigan K-12 school buildings, this meeting has been CANCELLED.







Executive Order 2020-21 prohibits all public gatherings of any number of people until after April 13, 2020.  This requires the Grand Ledge Public Schools Board of Education to meet electronically.






Guidelines for Public Participation in the Virtual Board Meeting:


  • Participants must use their first and last name when signing into the meeting.
  • Participants will begin in the Zoom “waiting room” and are admitted to the meeting by the host if they are signed in with their first and last name.  Please be patient.
  • Participants other than members of the Board of Education and the Superintendent shall refrain from starting their video feed.  Video feeds will be forced off by the host if needed.
  • Participants will be muted upon admittance to the meeting.
  • Participants will be permitted to use Zoom’s chat function only with the host.  The meeting host can not answer questions on behalf of the board or the superintendent, therefore chat is for meeting facilitation, technical assistance to the extent possible, and for expressing interest in making public comments.
  • Participants should raise their Zoom hand if they wish to address the board during public comment.  The host will unmute your microphone, invite you to open video, and announce each participant for their public comment. 
  • When addressing the Board:
    • Introduce yourself with name and address
    • You will be allowed up to 3 minutes
    • Out of respect for board members, students and staff, you will be interrupted if you personally attack a board member or district employee on issues unrelated to their job performance or mention a student's name when discussing behavior or other incidents
    • You will be reminded when you are approaching your 3-minute limit
    • The board will not respond to questions or comments during public comment.  However, the Superintendent will do his best to answer questions at the end of the meeting.  If immediate answers are not available, arrangements will be made to provide you the information requested.



*NOTE*  For details, please visit the Eaton RESA Board of Education website.


Executive Order 2020-59 prohibits all public gatherings of any number of people until after May 15, 2020.  This requires the Grand Ledge Public Schools Board of Education to meet electronically.







Executive Order 2020-110 establishes indoor gatherings and events among persons not part of a single household may not exceed 10 persons.  This requires the Grand Ledge Public Schools Board of Education to meet electronically.








Executive Order 2020-110 establishes indoor gatherings and events among persons not part of a single household may not exceed 10 persons.  This requires the Grand Ledge Public Schools Board of Education to meet electronically.


Notice of Public Hearing


Limited Tax Pledge Notice


Virtual Meeting Notice






There was a delay in the starting of the recording of this meeting.  You can view the Budget Presentation in its entirety on the district's Transparency Page.





NOTE:  Click here to view the student handbook language the board will be discussing during the July 20, 2020 Virtual Meeting.







Tap HERE to view the Back to School 2020-21 Presentation presented to the Board of Education.




Due to some technical difficulties, the first minutes of the meeting was not captured.  You can, however, view the full slide presentation using the link above.



















There were technical difficulties with the recording of this meeting due to the conditions in which the meeting was held.  You can read the full transcript from the hearing by tapping the link below.


PDF DocumentMetropolitan Reporting, LLC Official Transcript of the 09-21-2020 Pre-Termination Hearing 





Live Stream of October 12, 2020 Meeting
After receiving several inquiries from the community we circled back to our legal counsel today and determined we could provide a live stream via Zoom and are doing so.  Please see the link below.  However, participation in the public comment section of the agenda will be limited to only those who are present, in-person, at the meeting.    You will be unable to participate in public comment through the Zoom format.

Join the Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84084408721
Meeting ID: 840 8440 8721
One-tap mobile:
        +19294362866,,84084408721# US (New York)
        +13017158592,,84084408721# US (Germantown)
Dial by your location:
        +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
More phone numbers at: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kpLqnmlVO

This issue, along with others at present, is very fluid.   There may be additional changes prior to the next regular Board of Education meeting scheduled for Monday, October 26.




Return to 2022 Meeting Schedule                                                                         



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