
Virtual Learning Course Syllabus
Mr Hengesbach,

Mx. Ok, Counselor A-El   
Mrs. Maliska, Counselor Em-La
Mrs. Trudeau, Counselor Lb - Ri
Mrs. Dohm, Counselor Rj- Z

This course is part of a program designed to allow students to take a course through a computer-based, teacher-directed program aligned with state and national content standards.  Students will complete this course in room 309 with a mentor teacher to monitor progress.

Optional notebook for each course (following directions, proper notes, vocabulary, lectures, labs, and online content). Headphones are available for use, but students are encouraged to bring their own.  Use Google Drive for saving notes.

Each student will be assigned computer-based coursework to be completed by the course target completion date. Students are expected to attend every class session.  Students are also required to engage in a  progress check, once per week, with their instructor, GLHS course mentor, and parent/guardian. Edgenuity courses taken during the school day will earn a G, credit, for the work they complete.


  • Notebook pages dated and/or numbered with lesson headings
  • Proper note-taking exhibited during all lessons
  • Time management skills (use of class time from beginning to end)
  • Failure to comply with these note requirements will disqualify the student from test checks or retakes. If this happens, the student will be required to return to missed work and/or lectures and redo activities.
  • Students will receive 2 checks per assessment if proof of notes is available.
  • Students will complete at least 5% of their course per 1 hour of in-class course time*.

    (*Seniors must monitor a timeline specific to their personal end dates and adjust accordingly)    

Online and Credit recovery courses are a privilege. As such, students are required to maintain top quality adherence to the following:

  • Exemplary behavior as required in all classes
  • Good time management skills for the entire class
  • Organized work habits displayed daily
  • Display of manners, common courtesy and good attitude daily
  • Compliance with all school policies (academics, attendance, behavior, technology, etc.) Violation of rules may result in removal from the program
  • All electronic devices should be upside down on the desk, minimal interaction with the device is expected and monitored by staff; staff reserve the right to prohibit device use.

First Offense
Students who are caught cheating will be required to write a short essay based on the assigned course section.

Second Offense
Students who are caught cheating for the second time will not receive credit for the course and will need to retake the Edgenuity course.

Third Offense
Students will not be allowed to recover credits via Edgenuity and this will impact their ability to graduate.

CONTACT Criteria:

Student/Teacher Contract
As a student enrolled in an online program, I accept and agree to abide by the terms outlined below:

  1. I will be on time for class each day and come prepared and ready to work.
  2. I will complete all assignments independently and honestly.
  3. I agree that my cell phone and any other electronic devices will be powered off, concealed, and not in use in the classroom. If I violate this policy, I understand that I will have any such items confiscated by my teacher.
  4. Since this a self-paced online course, I accept that talking with other students is not permitted unless approved for a specific assignment.
  5. I will not access any Internet sites except for those required by my program.
  6. I will respect other people, as well as their property.
  7. I will remain at my work station until dismissed by my teacher and keep my area clean.
  8. If I have questions about course content, I will reach out to my classroom teacher for help.
  9. I understand that if there are inclement weather days, I am required to complete course work for my virtual learning course.